Ft. Greene

Brooklyn Bark Loves Ft. Greene
On the National Register of Historic Places, Ft. Greene is defined by 30-acres of park designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. With a very active dog community, off-leash hours in Ft. Greene Park pop.
Ft. Greene is not only a great place for dogs, but their owners have lots to enjoy, too. Fort Greene is home to several important cultural institutions including the Brooklyn Academy of Music, the Brooklyn Music School, The Paul Robeson Theater, The Museum of Contemporary African Diaspora Arts (MoCADA), BRIC Arts|Media, and UrbanGlass.
It is home to one of NYC's most competitive public schools, Brooklyn Technical High School.
A great place for dogs; a great place for people, Ft. Greene is the fertile ground that gave rise to Brooklyn Bark and our unique concept of "family based pet care."