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Meet Your Prospect Heights Dog Walker


Jon Ehlers has always been passionate about animals. Now he is in love with Luka, Isabelle, Lacey, Maximus, Pip, Gertie, Jazz, Elysia and a whole slew more.

As THE dog walker in Prospect Heights he has a lot to be passionate about. But how did he get there? We caught up with him and did a quick interview.

What was your first memory of a pet? At the age of three, I remember my father breeding free range rabbits and bringing us into the yard to play with the new litters.

Were you "raised" by a cat/dog or other animal? I brought my childhood dog Aloysius with me almost everywhere in my neighborhood growing up. He was a large lab/hound mix.

Who is your favorite pet in your personal history? Why? Aloysius by far. He had the biggest personality and stamina to keep up with young children. He had many quirks which made him stand out among other dogs. One in particular being his massive size didn't match his high pitched bark.

Were you able to get "animal time" during your undergrad years? How? I didn't live far from my college so when I had time between classes and studying I would run home and spend some time with my rabbits and dogs. In between semesters I would go to some of the local county parks and observe deer or foxes.

Who was your first BB client? How did you feel when you were first on your own w/BB? Luka, the beautiful mastiff/shepherd mix puppy. It felt like a new and refreshing beginning.

What thoughts go through your mind when you are out walking dogs? Aside from creating a bond between myself and the dog, I try to correct less favorable behaviors and steer them away from "sidewalk snacks".

You have a special love for cats. What makes them wonderful? Cats can be very surprising in that they may appear reserved upon first impressions but the more you spend time with the more their particular distinctions surface. I've met some awesome cats catsitting in Prospect Heights.

You came to NYC for music, correct? What are you doing in music? What are your aspirations? Would you like any Barkers to come listen to your music? When/where? I am one half of an explosive two piece band called Bangladeafy. I am frequently credited for a unique approach to the electric bass in that I utilize techniques more common in percussion and piano. We play quite frequently in the city, shows are listed on our Facebook page

What is your ideal day? Any day spent with dogs can be an ideal no matter how bad it started off. Dogs pass off their enthusiasm very well.

Something nice about your job... Waking up refreshed and feeling positive about going to work isn't something you can really argue against.

If you are in Prospect Heights and have a pup or Kitty who would love Jon to care for them, we'd be happy to introduce you:

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