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Pablo Come Home

This is the note from owner Michael Silverstone:

Accepting all forms of positive thought to help us get our PABLO back.

He was bit on the neck during off-leash hours (in Prospect Park) this morning, and has since fled. Last seen at various points late morning today (Wednesday, December 5) in both the Classon/St. Johns area, as well as St. Marks/Carlton.

Please help us get him back home.

He's a 13 pound border terrier mix, a shy fellow, so if you see him, give us a call immediately and we'll be there.

(917) 202-2905 or (646) 408-4851.

**** We are THRILLED to have just recieved this note from Pablo's owner:

This afternoon we've had word that Pablo is back with his owners. He was found in Bed Stuy by a young man who called the 24 hour pet watch microchip number on Pablo's collar. He's getting the care he needs and his owners wish to thank everyone involved in his search. The outpouring of help was unbelievable.


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