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Our Top 6 Back-to-School Essentials for your pup
It’s a big week in Brooklyn! School is back in session, traffic is a bit gnarlier, and summer Fridays are over. For the dogs of Brooklyn,...

Prospect Park Algae Bloom - How to Keep your Dogs Safe
Last update: August 26, 2019 Many of our Barkers read about the algae in Prospect Park Lake this morning in the New York Times We had...

By Colin Mixson for Brooklyn Paper Tail-wagging witch: Shih-tzu mix Leia sported a candy-corn witch costume at Sean Casey Animal Rescue’s...

Bloat is a 4-Letter Word
Yes, it's 5 letters but as any pet owner can tell you it's a horrible word. It's a horrible thing. But even knowledgeable owners often...

GREAT DOG WASH: Great time for Pups, Great time for new Social Media Stars
The Irish setter shook, spraying the already drenched, giddy volunteers while the little beagle was looking for his attorney's cell...

Check out this New Vet in Town
I walked into a new vet who has been receiving a lot of buzz, Bond Vet in Cobble Hill, sat down next to a big buryly guy and smiled....

Help Your Pup through the Heat
Cole Porter wrote it. Our Care Associates and our Barkers live it. It's Too Damn Hot. With temps in the 90's, high 90's and some...

Enjoying Classic Cuisine with Your Pup at Park Slope’s Sotto Voce
Prospect Park is Brooklyn's biggest and best places you can go to play around with your dog. Finding an eatery that allow dogs in...

8 Ways to Keep Your Pup Safe and Comfortable During Fireworks
4th of July, it's a big holiday for us! Barbecues, picnics, beach time all topped by fireworks, glorious fireworks.But for our 4-legged...

Understanding Our Feline Friends: 5 Ways Cats Show Love
Conventional wisdom says that cats are standoffish. That they're just here for the food and the convenient litter cleanup. That they can...

This High School Bestie has Four Paws
Do you remember being in high school and there were days when the only reason you went to school was so that you could see your best...

NYS Legislature Goes Bipartisan to Help Kitties
Onychectomy. The veterinarian amputates each of a cat's toes at the first joint. Because of feline anatomy that their claws are...

Someone Left a Dog in That Car! What Do I Do?!?!
Hey, we educated pet lovers have heard it often enough. Even on a beautiful spring day, a closed car can simulate an oven. If you want...

It's Midnight and You Need a Vet. Help!
You're relaxing at home late in the evening and one of your pups decides to take a piece out of his brother. It's 10 o'clock Christmas...

I'm Going to Adopt a Dog; Now What? A Thorough Checklist.
You've fallen in love. You've filled out the papers. You're just waiting but you know you'll be approved and you are so excited you are...

When Should I Adopt a Dog?
The answer to this question is simple: when your heart tells you it is time. Don't overthink the decision. You are not home 8 to 10...

PET SAFETY MONTH: 30 tips in 30 days that can save your pet's life - Tip #30
April is ending but the need for pet safety awareness never ends. The more you know as a pet parent, the better off your pup, kitty or...

PET SAFETY MONTH: 30 tips in 30 days that can save your pet's life - Tip #29
Vacation time is coming. Pup would love to come with you. He's sitting at the front door ready to go, no matter what the adventure,...

PET SAFETY MONTH: 30 tips in 30 days that can save your pet's life - Tip #28
Now you have a great pet food or, hopefully, selection of pet foods with the help of AAFCO nutition analysis of anything you purchase. ...

PET SAFETY MONTH: 30 tips in 30 days that can save your pet's life - Tip #27
Now that you've found one or more high quality pup or kitty foods with the help of AAFCO and a close read of the ingredient list, how...
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